YOUNG DIRECTOR AWARD 2023 (Charity Commercial)

The Real Self Checkout - Adam Javes - Rosie May Bird Smith JPG
The Real Self Checkout - Adam Javes - Rosie May Bird Smith JPEG
The Real Self Checkout - Adam Javes - Rosie May Bird Smith MP4 48s

The Real Self Checkout - Rosie May Bird Smith
Adam Javes

The Real Self Checkout - Rosie May Bird Smith - Adam Javes

Silver Screen

Title: The Real Self Checkout
Director: Rosie May Bird Smith
Producer: Adam Javes
Production Company: Havas Studios
Instagram Tag: @rosiemaybirdsmith @biscuitfilmworks @asda @coppafeelpeople @breastcancernow #selfcheckout #asda #breastcancerawareness
Production Co. Country: United Kingdom
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