YOUNG DIRECTOR AWARD 2023 (Series: Best Original (under 20 mins))

I AM - Christoph Hoppstädter - Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer JPG
I AM - Christoph Hoppstädter - Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer YOUTUBE 9m:59s
I AM - Christoph Hoppstädter - Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer YOUTUBE 9m:58s
I AM - Christoph Hoppstädter - Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer YOUTUBE 10m:36s

I AM - Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer
Christoph Hoppstädter

I AM - Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer - Christoph Hoppstädter


Title: I AM
Director: Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer
Producer: Christoph Hoppstädter
Production Company: megaherz GmbH
Key Episode Title: I AM A MERMATE
Additional Episode Title 1: I AM A BUFFALO
Additional Episode Title 2: I AM NOT YOUR BABY
Shot On: 81585
Instagram Tag: @lindaschiwa @netflixde #netflixiam
Date Production Finished: 07.12.22
Director's Date of Birth: 1993-03-15
Director's Nationality: 81683
Director's Gender: 81847
Director's Phone Number: +49 15238482736
Director's email:
Director's Profile: Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer (1993) currently studies directing at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF). Since 2014 she has been shooting documentaries for public television aswell as several independent projects. Together with workmate Annika Franke she forms the directing duo Franklin mainly working in commercial film directing together. In 2020, her first fictional short Mamanam shortlisted for the BAFTA Student Awards and screened at 15 international festivals. In 2021, it received the Starter Film Award for best directing. For Netflix’s editorial department, she writes and directs the portrait series I AM which won triple Gold at this year's Spotlight Award 2023. She is currently writing her feature debut »I think I hate my father«.
Production Co. Country: Germany
Production Co. Address: megaherz GmbH Siedlerstraße 2 85774 Unterföhring
Production Co. Phone Number: +49 89 950004 0
Production Co. Email:
Director of Photography: Cedric Schanze
Creative Director: Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer
Art Director: Linda-Schiwa Klinkhammer
English Synopsis: The »I AM« series is a new kind of portrait series by Netflix, featuring the German-speaking talents behind Netflix' originals. Each episode unique – told in different genres inspired by the biographies of the portrayed. The films are created free of any rules or guidelines by the streamer, but in close collaboration with the artists in front of the camera. The series currently consists of three episodes. They are made available on Netflix’ YouTube channel for free.
Other Information (if required): The first episode »I AM A MERMATE« got shortlisted for the Young Director Award 2022. We continued to produce new films in 2022 and turned »I AM« into a series. Netflix' decision to commission more episodes is still pending.
Statement: 82115
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